What is a metaclass and how it works. (#python #dev #metaclass)

Have you ever wished that you could customize the way that a class works in Python? Well, with metaclasses, you can do just that!

A Python metaclass is like a magical tool that lets you customize the behavior of a class before it’s even created. It’s like a special kind of class that’s used to create other classes. With a metaclass, you can add special methods or attributes to a class, or customize the way that a class is defined.

Think of it this way: when you go to a bakery, you can choose from a variety of pre-made cookie molds to make your cookies. But with a metaclass, you can create your own custom mold on the spot! You can add special ingredients, mix and match different shapes and sizes, and even create your own unique design.

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Understanding the magic of Generators. (#python, #dev, #generator, #iterator)

Welcome to the world of generators in Python! These handy little objects are like the lovechild of a list and a function – they allow you to iterate over a sequence of values, but unlike lists, they don’t store all of the values in memory at once. This makes them an excellent tool for working with large datasets or performing expensive calculations one value at a time. So if you’re ready to take your Python skills to the next level and start iterating like a pro, let’s dive in!Continue reading

PowerBuilder 10 IDE Bug

Maybe it’s a little late to report this problem, but just the other day I came across a bug in the PowerBuilder IDE (10.2.1). First of all: Don’t worry, your application is not affected by this bug… it makes PB crash before you have a chance to save your work.

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Centering vertically using (only) CSS

You wrote on your resume that you have advanced knowledge on CSS. A recruiter calls you and asks one question: You said you have advanced knowledge on CSS… Prove it! How do you center elements vertically?

All hell breaks lose and you start asking yourself what have you done with your life…

Well, not anymore, the following code may help you:

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