Understanding the magic of Generators. (#python, #dev, #generator, #iterator)

Understanding the magic of Generators. (#python, #dev, #generator, #iterator)


Dive into the world of Python generators, the ingenious hybrid of lists and functions designed for the savvy coder. Whether you’re dealing with mammoth datasets or complex computations, these memory-efficient tools are your ticket to coding excellence. Let’s embark on this journey to mastering Python generators together, paving the way to more efficient and powerful coding practices.

Welcome to the world of generators in Python! These handy little objects are like the lovechild of a list and a function – they allow you to iterate over a sequence of values, but unlike lists, they don"t store all of the values in memory at once. This makes them an excellent tool for working with large datasets or performing expensive calculations one value at a time. So if you"re ready to take your Python skills to the next level and start iterating like a pro, let"s dive in!


Python generators are a type of iterable, which means that they can be used in a for loop to iterate over a sequence of values. However, unlike lists or tuples, generators do not store all of the values in memory at once. Instead, they generate the values on the fly as they are needed, which makes them a more efficient and memory-friendly option for working with large datasets or performing expensive calculations.

To create a generator in Python, you can use the yield keyword in a function. When the function is called, it will execute until it encounters a yield statement, at which point it will return the value of the expression following the yield keyword and pause execution. The next time the generator is called, it will resume execution from the point where it left off and continue until it encounters another yield statement or reaches the end of the function.

Generators are a powerful and efficient tool for working with large datasets or performing expensive calculations one value at a time. They can help you save memory and improve the performance of your code, especially when working with large datasets or complex calculations.

Pros and Cons


  • Efficiency: Generators are more efficient than lists or tuples because they do not store all of the values in memory at once. This makes them a good choice for working with large datasets or performing expensive calculations, as they can save memory and improve the performance of your code.
  • Memory usage: As mentioned above, generators do not store all of the values in memory at once, which can be a significant advantage when working with large datasets. This can help to reduce the memory usage of your program and prevent it from crashing due to a lack of available memory.
  • Code simplicity: Generators can help to simplify your code by allowing you to write a single function that generates the values you need, rather than creating a list or tuple and storing all of the values in memory. This can make your code easier to read and maintain.


  • Immutability: Generators are immutable, which means that once they have been created, you cannot modify the values they contain. This can be a limitation if you need to update or change the values in the generator.
  • One-time use: Generators can only be iterated over once, which means that once you have iterated through all of the values in the generator, you cannot go back and iterate over them again. This can be a limitation if you need to iterate over the same values multiple times.
  • Lack of indexing: Generators do not support indexing, which means that you cannot access specific values in the generator using an index like you can with a list or tuple. This can be a limitation if you need to access specific values in the generator.

Overall, generators can be a useful tool for working with large datasets or performing expensive calculations, but they have some limitations that you should consider before deciding to use them in your code.

When to use

You should use generators when you are working with a large dataset or performing expensive calculations that you only need to iterate over once.

For example, let"s say you have a CSV file containing millions of records and you need to process the data and perform some calculations on each record. Using a generator to iterate over the records one at a time would be more efficient than reading the entire file into a list or tuple and storing all of the records in memory at once. This would save memory and improve the performance of your program.

When not to use it

You should not use generators when you need to modify the values in the iterable or when you need to iterate over the same values multiple times.

For example, let"s say you have a list of integers and you need to square each value in the list. You could use a generator to iterate over the list and square each value, but since generators are immutable, you would not be able to update the values in the generator. Instead, you would need to create a new list or tuple to store the squared values.

In this scenario, it would be more appropriate to use a list or tuple and modify the values in place, rather than using a generator. This would allow you to modify the values in the iterable and iterate over the same values multiple times if needed.


Here is an example of a generator in Python that generates the first n even numbers:

def even_number_generator(n: int) -> Iterator[int]:
    i = 0
    while i < n:
        yield 2 * i
        i += 1

# Generate the first 5 even numbers
even_numbers = even_number_generator(5)

# Print the even numbers
for num in even_numbers:

This code defines a generator function called even_number_generator that takes an integer n as an argument and returns an iterator of integers using the yield keyword. The generator generates the first n even numbers by starting at 0 and incrementing by 2 each time it is called.

To use the generator, we call the even_number_generator function and pass in the number of even numbers we want to generate. This returns a generator object that we can iterate using a for loop.

In this example, the generator will generate and print the first 5 even numbers: 0, 2, 4, 6, 8.

The data type of the argument n is int, and the data type of the values returned by the generator is Iterator[int], where Iterator is a type hint indicating that the generator returns an iterator of integers.

Comparison for .net people

C# IEnumerable and Python generators are similar in that they both allow you to iterate over a sequence of values without storing all of the values in memory at once. This makes them a useful tool for working with large datasets or performing expensive calculations one value at a time.

There are a few key differences between C# IEnumerable and Python generators:

  • Syntax: In C#, you can implement an IEnumerable by creating a class that implements the IEnumerable interface and includes a method called GetEnumerator. In Python, you can create a generator by using the yield keyword in a function.
  • Return type: In C#, the return type of an IEnumerable is IEnumerable<T>, where T is the type of values being enumerated. In Python, the return type of a generator is an iterator.
  • Immutability: In C#, IEnumerable is immutable, which means that you cannot modify the values in the sequence once it has been created. In Python, generators are also immutable.

Overall, C# IEnumerable and Python generators are similar in that they allow you to iterate over a sequence of values without storing all of the values in memory at once. However, there are some differences in the syntax and return types of the two constructs.

Hope that helps! 😄
